Number | Title | Adopted Date |
2019-1 | Filling a Vacancy on the Board of Directors | 1/17/19 |
2019-2 | Gratitude for Board Service John Broadstock | 1/17/19 |
2019-3 | Gratitude for Board Service Gayle McKnight | 1/17/19 |
2019-4 | Gratitude for Board Service Rick Walsh | 1/17/19 |
2019-5 | Amending the Injury & Illness Prevention Policy | 1/17/19 |
2019-6 | Approving Debt Management Policy | 1/17/19 |
2019-7 | Reschedule Election of Governing Board Members | 2/21/19 |
2019-8 | Accepting the Audit Report for May 25, 2017-June 30, 2018 | 3/21/19 |
2019-9 | Amending the Financial Management Policies | 3/21/19 |
2019-10 | Amending the Board Policies | 3/21/19 |
2019-11 | Adopting the Utility Billing Adjustment Policy | 3/21/19 |
2019-12 | Adopting the FY 2019-/20 Final Budget | 6/20/19 |
2019-13 | Amending the Master Fee Schedule | 6/20/19 |
2019-14 | Amending the Public Records Policy | 6/20/19 |
2019-15 | Amending the SCSD Bylaws | 7/18/19 |
2019-16 | Cal-OES Designation of Applicant’s Agent Resolution for Non-State Agencies | 7/18/19 |
2019-17 | Authorizing Participation in SDRMA Health Benefits Program | 8/15/19 |
2019-18 | Approving a Site Lease, and a Lease Agreement; Making Certain Determinations Relating Thereto; and Authorizing Certain Other Actions in Connection Therewith | 9/19/19 |
2019-19 | Authorizing Application for USDA SEARCH Grant for Preliminary Engineering Report for Water Treatment Plant Replacement | 10/17/19 |
2019-20 | Authorizing Agreement with Umpqua Bank to Participate in the CSDA District Purchasing Card Program | 11/21/19 |
2019-21 | Revising the Master Fee Schedule | 12/19/2019 |
2019-22 | Amending the Personnel Policies and Procedures | 12/19/2019 |